Program resources and success stories

The CMA has a growing library of resources to help you apply for, manage and report on the outcomes of your YCW position. This also includes a collection of success stories, interviews and insights from previous program students and interns, as well as museum employers.

Upcoming Webinars

There are currently no webinars scheduled.

Setting up a YCW account

To apply for funding offered by the Young Canada Works (YCW) program, you’ll need to sign up for an account on the YCW website, run by the Government of Canada. This short guide is designed to help you set up your account for the first time.

Submitting a funding application

To apply for funding offered by the Young Canada Works (YCW) program, you’ll need to use the YCW website, run by the Government of Canada. This short guide is designed to help make clear some of the technical elements of submitting an online application.

YCW Wage Guide

This resource assembles wage information to help YCW employers set wages that are in line with industry standards in the region where they are providing employment.

Reimbursement for Travel and Accessibility

This resource outlines how YCW can provide financial reimbursements for employer or employee related costs related to accessibility supports and travel.

International YCW-BCH Positions

This resource outlines how Building Careers in Heritage (BCH) stream employers can receive funding for positions that have an international focus, requiring the employee to live in another country for a portion of the YCW internship.

Preparing a Job Poster

The two main goals of a Job Poster are to attract well-suited applicants and, also, to eliminate applications from those who aren’t eligible or who might not benefit from the experience. You should provide information that will motivate readers while letting potential applicants know whether or not they would be a good fit.

Supporting Remote Work

This resource outlines best practices for supporting remote YCW employees.

End of Work Term Report (YCW-BCH)

This resource outlines how Building Careers in Heritage (BCH) stream employers can successfully submit their End of Work Term Reports.

Success Stories

Have you participated in YCW as an employer or youth participant? We would love to hear about your experiences!

Three options:

Frequently asked questions

Here you will find a compendium of frequently asked questions about the program.

Resources from the Government of Canada

YCW employer guide

YCW for students and graduates